Automatic Writing
What is Automatic Writing?
Automatic writing is when I write what my guides from the other side tell me. It is that simple.​
The way I do this is by asking Christ in a prayer, and also asking for his involvement. This is for my protection from unwanted spirits and to assure I receive only the truth.​
When I first began, I only did these sessions at two in the morning. But, once I was rolling with the ease of what they were saying, and how it all worked, I began writing while waiting anywhere! It might be picking my daughter up from school, sometimes I arrived too soon, so I would write while waiting for her, or at the park, doctors office, virtually anywhere I chose. The more I utilized this gift, the stronger the connection became.
Who are 'they'? You are probably wondering. 'They' are several wise guides who work together to bring reassurance, preparedness, and knowledge to me, and with encouragement to share with other people. They preach only goodness and teach the importance of love, Christ, and the value of life. All that is relayed to me is uplifting, even when some things are unpleasant.
Many people who do this replaces the words they feel were not understood, but I keep the exact words, because if you look up the definitions to words that appear to make no sense, you'll find a clearer meaning. They are deliberate in how they speak. They are ancient-sounding. It appears they use their native context from thousands of years ago. Obviously, they speak English, but the way they say a sentence is unspoken today. The only time you'll see where a word is blank is because I can't read my own writing.
When I am finished writing, I read it for the first time because though I write what they say I never remember it when I finish. Once I even fell asleep yet wrote two full pages during my slumber.
You will have to read it several times because understand them can be difficult. This is something that requires thought. Think of it as a scholar explaining the world to an infant. Some of the writings are about events years into the future and without an event lived out, it can not be fully understood. Some writings were strictly about my life events but others are events everyone will be experiencing. One thing is certain, you will have to question how you treat others when you hear how they lovingly speak to us.
The guides that assist me are many and while I may hear from one of them tonight it may be another on another night. They call themselves by one name and do not separate themselves. The name they chose is Mason. I know your thinking the Masonic members like today, but make no mistake they are not referring to them. I believe they are the original group of actual mason construction builders that lived before Christ. They were advanced people who lived separately from the villagers and limited their interactions because they would be misunderstood. If they were to share the truth about God they would have been killed for blasphemy. These masons were advanced in their knowledge and spoke a language that is no longer in existence. I think it sounds poetic. It is certainly not the way I talk.
God, What happens at the moment of death?
The question asked was 'What Happens At The Moment Of Death?' I also have a video of this writing on You-Tube you may like. I have many recent clients who are losing loved ones and finding difficulty with coping. I am placing it in the original written form. I'm sure there are many who need to hear this.
Here is the Answer.
Famously written words that blend sugar and spice and all that's nice does start the tale for thee. Branded treasure awaken the nile, lights bright to comfort thee onto the journey of the next sphere. Tempt less and less to stay in storage but let free the spirit bring thee to heaven's door. Open homage with little delay but like a small stick that pricks you.
Mention a guest for fewer questions than wants. Glide along path with entrance ahead. Make these note clear to all, the way is natural however relic the way beyond sunset or elsewhere. Never part, just depart brings you where one needs to be at appointed time. Like living in stone then crush no loss to fracture ways of necessity. Carry blameless ones dear to hold with out the thoughts of past to relinquish upsets instability. Pardon brushes of fabric that tear apart for they are doomed a portion of the lights edge. Best to break through at once.
Masses always enter so not to fear or why or when for this is one glory unknown till the time arrives. Be assured less see ways of hinder than run ahead. Think blessing and life now for natural ways takes the steps, not thee. Ponder no more of end or whys but live and boast of today. Be gladdance for pleasures now then deal with heaven then. Time is set in all occasions, think not less of anything else even when you doubt all is in accordance.
Mason, 2006
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